Our Missions and Outreach
Ministries at Maple Springs United Methodist Church seek to be the hands and
feet of Christ in our local community and beyond. We offer service
opportunities and support in the following areas on an ongoing basis, and we
try to be attentive to new service needs as they arise.
burn unit MINISTRY
The Burn Unit Ministry provides a quarterly meal and/or snacks, encouragement and appreciation for the staff of WFU/Baptist Hospital Burn Unit throughout the day for various shifts. This ministry helps restore the staff through simple kindness, love and prayers to restore the compassion and love these care givers constantly show their patients. If you are interest in this ministry, please contact Lynn Bailey at rlbailey58@att.net.
creation care MINISTRY
The Creation Care Ministry at Maple Springs is about growing an attitude of caring for God’s awesome Creation, and then translating that attitude of caring into intentional acts of caring and justice. Through these acts, we are witnessing our love of God to others – showing in a very visible way that we value what God gave us, enough to take care of it!
Psalm 24:1-2…The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.
Intentional Acts of Caring and Justice
Would you like to dial back on waste through our Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Rejoice! program, grow a pollinator garden, make your yard wildlife friendly, clean up roadways and stream sides around our community, become more energy efficient, convert to renewable energy, eat in a more healthful and creation-friendly way, grow an organic community garden to help feed the hungry, plant trees in our community or at home, use less paper to save trees, begin composting, use less water, help provide safe drinking water for those without access, live more sustainably, buy more sustainably, learn more about living sustainably, advocate for programs to promote creation, climate, and environmental/racial justice? If you are interested in bringing your ideas and passions to Creation Care Ministries, please contact UMC EarthKeeper Kim Richmond at kjrichholder@gmail.com.
food pantry MINISTRY
In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank and the generosity of our church and the local community, feeding the hungry is a priority at Maple Springs. Our food pantry was established on November 13, 2000, to offer short-term emergency food assistance to those in our local community who are in need. We serve 75-100 families per week. The ministry has continued to grow year after year. The Maple Springs Food Pantry is supported by local food drives, individual contributions from our Maple Springs family, volunteers, and other individuals and organizations in our community.
Food Pantry Hours:
Tuesday 9:00-3:00 (beginning April 9th)
Wednesday 9:00-11:00
(unless church office is closed)
Qualifying families may visit once per month to pick up one week’s supply of food.
Volunteers: Volunteers (18 years or older) are needed each week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to serve food pantry clients. Volunteer duties included stocking shelves, preparing food bags, inventory management, assisting our clients in making their food choice selections, and preparing for each weeks opening and closing.
Food Donations: Food donations are accepted in the collection space inside Craven Fellowship Hall or outside of the Sanctuary. The food pantry is also in need of grocery bags (both plastic and paper).
For more information, please contact Bill Blackburn at bill@maplesprings.org. Make sure to follow the Maple Springs UMC Food Pantry on Facebook HERE!
The Forsyth County Jail and Prison Ministry works to minister to the holistic needs of inmates in our local prison system. This group of volunteers are active in a variety of projects including:
You can help by becoming a volunteer, donating toiletries in boxes provided such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and shampoo, sunscreen, after shave lotion (not smell-good products or razor blades) or men's suits, shirts and ties for Work Release interviews, or by making a financial contributions c/o FPJM. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Contact Peter Venable at oelkers9@msn.com.
Henderson settlement
Join us as we go to Henderson Settlement in Kentucky where building repairs and care ministry are performed. These are trips that are offered to adults which can be anywhere from 3-7 days. If you are interested, contact Hank Sigmon at hank.sigmon@gmail.com.
Maple Springs sponsors two children; Stella from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nelson from Haiti, helping them transform their lives and their communities through World Vision. If you are interested in helping more with this ministry, please contact Kim Richmond at kjrichholder@gmail.com.
The Martha Ministry provides meals or a reception (upon request) to church members and their close family members in the event of a funeral. Meals typically follow a set menu, and volunteers are welcome! The four teams that currently serve this ministry enjoy providing this act of love for their Christian brothers or sisters. For more information or to join a team, contact Dot Atkinson at 336-922-5639.
For a number of years, Maple Springs UMC has had an ongoing support effort for Old Town Elementary School. Past activities have included appreciation luncheons for faculty and staff, distribution of Blessings Day parcels, providing books for summer reading, volunteer time in the school bookstore, providing school supplies at the start of the school year, providing basic health kits, tutoring and providing jackets for winter. Most of our past support originated with the United Methodist Women (UMW). We have a continued interest in these types of activities, and we also have members interested in reading programs to enhance the students’ reading skills. Our support is vital for Old Town School which does not have a viable Parent-Teacher Association outlet to provide help and support. Old Town School has a designated coordinator for volunteer opportunities who will be working with Maple Springs and other church and civic groups to see that any support offered will be effectively utilized, and that different agencies will not work at cross or overlapping purposes. The Missions and Outreach Committee appreciates the outstanding support rendered by the UMW. We wish to build on that history, and we want the entire congregation of Maple Springs to share in the positive efforts being made for student success. For more information, please contact Gray and Kay Tuttle at kayandgray@windstream.net.
This ministry is sponsored by the Board of Trustees to help beautify the outside of our church by maintaining the plantings and flowers. Activities include weeding, planting annuals and bulbs, minor trimming and other special projects. This group gathers several times a season as needed and weather permitting! For more information or to volunteer, please contact Ceil Hodgin at ceilhodgin@me.com or Chuck Kupsky at cjkupsky@gmail.com.
The front lawn of our church is covered with pumpkins during the month of October as we sell pumpkins to raise money to fund missions and outreach programs at Maple Springs. The Pumpkin Palooza is an annual event that is a celebration and welcome for the entire community. Perhaps the most important part of the pumpkin patch is welcoming members of the community to our church campus. We offer an open invitation to members of our community to worship, work, and serve God with us. The pumpkin patch is one way we can invite the community to make a first visit to our church in a comfortable environment for a fun time of shopping for pumpkins. For more information, please contact Mary Taylor Setliff at maryt@maplesprings.org.
Volunteer receptionists are a vital part of the ministry at Maple Springs United Methodist Church. Volunteers are asked to help with simple tasks including:
Substitute receptionists are always needed and training is available. Volunteers are needed from 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. For more information or to sign up, please contact the Office Manager at catherine@maplesprings.org.
Rise Against Hunger has become an annual event at Maple Springs in which a crowd of volunteers gather in Craven Hall to pack nutrition dense compact meals. Meals are then distributed worldwide to feed hungry school children. There is always a need for people to work together in an assembly-line fashion to pack meals. If interested, please contact Kim Richmond at kjrichholder@gmail.com.
UMAR supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a variety of programs in 12 cities across Western North Carolina. Support includes group homes, apartments, vocational services, art programs, and mobile work crews. For more ideas on how you can get involved, contact Bill Blackburn at bill@maplesprings.org.
Donate an item or your time and talents to UMAR! Opportunities listed below.
Maple Springs United Methodist Church supports the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), an organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe. UMCOR’s work reaches people in 80+ countries, including the United States. UMCOR provides humanitarian relief when war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupt life to such an extent that communities are unable to recover on their own.
Volunteer: Volunteers provide assistance throughout the year, based on needs. Groups and individuals (all ages!) are needed to plan, assemble, and distribute items such as backpacks, hygiene kits, and flood buckets throughout the year. Donation of various supplies are collected throughout the year. Monetary donations are also accepted to purchase additional supplies. Prayers for those affected by suffering around the globe are also welcome. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Bill Blackburn at bill@maplesprings.org.
ushering ministry
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The Welcoming Ministry Team works to assure that guests of the church are invited and welcomed the way Jesus would welcome them. They accomplish this in a variety of ways and welcome your involvement! If you're interested in serving the church by joining the Welcoming Ministry Team, please review the volunteer opportunities below, then contact Erin Moses at erin@maplesprings.org to see how you can help!
women on mission