



Bearing fruit


we are so glad you are here!



 Contemporary Worship at 8:45am in Craven Hall


Traditional Worship at 11:00am in the Sanctuary

Childcare is available during both of these services and also during additional worship services that occur throughout the year!



Each Sunday the 8:45am and 11:00am services are streamed live on our YouTube channel.  


After Sunday, the recorded services can be found here

on our website on the View Past Services page here on our website.



The Adult Discipleship Council is sponsoring another Connections event – the Lenten Connection. We have a great lineup of events that will be a time to connect, learn, and grow together!  Below, you will find descriptions of each of the event that will be offered. Sessions will begin after Ash Wednesday, March 5th and end before Holy Week starts on April 13th. ALL ARE WELCOME for this short term event! You can attend as many sessions as you would like and feel free to bring a friend! Click HERE to sign up. Please contact Hank Sigmon ( with any questions.

Lenten Connection Events

Strength Via Stretch

Facilitator: Mike Young

Schedule:  Monday March 10, 17, 24 and 31  4:00 – 4:45pm in Craven Hall

  • Sessions of deep breathing, slow movement to increase strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Great for any age. Most important for the elderly (myself) who due to the aging process have developed decreased range of motion, stiff joints, and arthritis. Bring a mat or large beach towel. Can be done from sitting position if getting up from the floor is difficult. Happy Movement!


Curious Christians: Methodist Social Principles

Facilitator:  Ceil Hodgin

Schedule:  Wednesdays March 12, March 19 and April 2, 6:30pm at the church in Parlor

  • Curious Christians is a mix of thoughtful and curious individuals and couples that meet for fellowship, sharing and to discuss important topics and how they impact our lives and our actions.  We are exploring the Methodist Social Principles.  The Social Principles represent the prayerful and earnest efforts of the General Conference to speak to issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation.  The Social Principles are a call to faithfulness and to social engagement and intended to be instructive and persuasive.  During three Wednesdays of the Lenten Connection, will focus our discussion on the Political Community.


Creation Care:  And God saw it was good!

Facilitators:  Kim Richmond and Ceil Hodgin

Schedule:  Thursdays, March 13, March 20, March 27 and April 3, 6 - 7:30pm in Asbury Classroom

  • Join the Creation Care and Plants and Flowers ministry teams for four engaging and fun sessions to learn more about gardening, soil care, composting, native plants and pollinators!  We will also learn more about the efforts to bring a pollinator garden to Maple Springs.


Hawaiian Culture Through Crafting

Facilitator:  Lynn Bailey

Schedule: Saturdays, March 15, 22, 29    11:00 – 12:00pm in Cokesbury Room

3/15    11-12pm   Making Kukui nut leis         

3/22 and 3/29   11-12pm   Making ribbon leis


  • As a symbol of love, friendship, and celebration, leis have been an essential part of Hawaiian culture for centuries.  Leis carry various meanings and symbolism in Hawaiian culture. They are often given to welcome guests, celebrate milestones, and honor loved ones. The custom of giving and receiving leis is accompanied by specific etiquette, such as presenting the lei with a kiss on the cheek or wearing the lei with pride and gratitude. These gestures emphasize the spirit of aloha, which embodies love, compassion, and mutual respect.



Facilitator: Gray Tuttle

Schedule:  Tuesday, March 11 7:00pm Orientation  in Cokesbury Room

Field Trips:  Saturdays March 22, March 29 and April 5

  •  In God's great creation, birds stand-out with their beautiful colors and songs. While we're together in our group, we'll discuss bird's environments, locations, migrations, and how we can best locate them all around us. We'll share our own experiences and hopefully learn a lot from each other. We'll spend at least two classes in the field with hopes of finding birds that perhaps many of us have only seen in pictures. It should be a fun adventure. Come join us!  


Painting For Fun

Facilitator: Charlotte Alwine

Schedule:  Sundays, March 9, 16 and 23, 3:00 – 4:30pm in the Women’s Bible Study Room

  • Have you ever thought you might secretly be an artist?  Join us for fellowship, fun, and painting!  Beginners and those with more experience are both welcome.  Basic materials will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer.



Facilitators: Mark Bee; Chris Halt

Schedule: March 22 8:30am meet at church

  • The Lenten Connections Hiking group’s hike is scheduled for Saturday, March 22nd on the Trout Lake/Rich Mountain Loop. The rain date will be the following Saturday the 29th. The trail is in Moses Cone Park off of the Blue Ridge near Blowing Rock. The hike is between 5 to 6 miles total and is on the easy side of moderate. The hike circles picturesque Trout Lake and then gently climbs to the top of Rich Mountain with beautiful 360 views of the surrounding mountains. Bring snacks to enjoy at the top of Rich Mountain. For those wanting a late lunch, we can plan to meet at one of the many restaurants in Blowing Rock only minutes away!
  • We will plan to meet this time at 8:30 am in the church parking for the hour and a half trip to the trailhead. If you have questions, contact Mark Bee at or 336-608-1190.  This group will continue through the spring but will need to come up with dates after talking to the group.  All are invited!!

Ringing Handbells for Praise and Fun

Facilitator: Heather Schenck

Committee Sponsor:  Jill Gordon

Schedule:  Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, & 9    5:30 - 6:30pm in Music Wing

Handbells will play for Palm Sunday - April 13th at the 11am service

  • Do you love the beautiful sound of handbells as part of our worship music?  Have you played handbells before or always wanted to learn?  Here is your chance to learn to play handbells and share your music at the 11:00 service on April 13th Palm Sunday to start Holy Week.   Heather is arranging a special son for the Handbells – it is going to be epic!  Contact Heather Schenck or Jill Gordon with questions.


Biblical Justice

Facilitator: Erin Moses

Schedule:  Sundays, March 16, 23,30 and April 6   3:00 – 4:00pm, Location TBD

  •  Biblical Justice Summary:  The prophet Micah says, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? (6:8)."  As Christians, we know we are called to justice, humility, and love.  How can we as a church and individuals make an actionable response? We will lean into Luke as we read and discuss stories from scripture and seek to live lives worthy of our calling.  Our time of discussion will culminate in serving our community through the nonprofit City with Dwellings.  If you have any questions, please contact

Week 1: Luke 4:16-21; Luke 10:25-37 (The Good Samaritan)

Week 2: Luke 18:9-14 (The Pharisee and The Tax Collector)

Week 3: Luke 6:20-26; Luke 16:19-31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus)

Week 4: City with Dwellings

Digital Discipleship: Following Christ in an AI World

Facilitator: Allan Miller

Committee Sponsor:  Margaret Miller

Schedule:  Sundays, March 16, 23, 30 and April 6    5:30pm  Will meet in Asbury Classroom at church and Zoom will also be available.

  • Digital Discipleship will explore how to effectively utilize digital platforms and technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to share the Gospel, build relationships, and grow in our faith.


Bible Study with Pastor Gary – Reading Luke during Lent

 Schedule:  Wednesdays, March 12, 19 26 and April 2, 9    3:00 – 4:00pm in Cokesbury Room

  • Join Pastor Gary for a bible study where we will read portions of Luke during Lent. Luke is a fascinating gospel narrative and coupled with Acts, gives a complete story that we can read together.